One single dog who overcame the obstacle to survive inspired a new and exciting vision. Because of the love for this dog this vision was transformed and Bentlee was created. Taking a closer look at this strong willed dog you'll find that it is part of a rare breed of dogs who prove themselves to be completely fearless.
Originating in Tibet hundreds of years ago, Lhaso Apsos were named after the sacred city of Lhasa. For years this breed was only breed by holy men and were used as watchdogs in sacred places such as temples and monasteries. Lhasa Apsos are alert with a keen sense of hearing and an extreme, sonorous bark which in turn would alert the monks of any intruders. The ideal Lhasa was to be wary of strangers while being loyal to those closest to them.
Since then Lhaso Apsos have spread to many other parts of the world making great companions for many owners. Lhaso Apsos have been considered good luck to their owners, but perhaps in Bentlee's case, good luck to himself! This friendly dog is not only smart but also spirited and highly devoted in everything it does. Lhaso Apsos may be small, but they are tough little dogs who will do what it takes to survive, just like our beloved floppy-eared companion, Bentlee.